God is bigger than me.

We are on a train right now half way between Frankfurt and Berlin but by the time I get a chance to post this we will be in Berlin. I wanted to post a few of the thoughts I have been having lately.

God has been working on my heart and showing me new things about Him and myself. I am growing and learning and having an awesome time with God. He has pointed out to me one of my faults. I have a hard time trusting God to overcome me. Now what I mean by this is that I have total faith that God can move mountains, part oceans and even errupt volcanos to fufil His plan. I even have faith that He will get everyone else right where He needs them if they realize that it was God who got them there or not. But I have a hard time believing that I won't mess the whole thing up and ruin God's plan and what God wants to be done will not get done because of my own stupidity. I realized how arrogant that was! Really? I thought that I was so great that the creator of the universe could not carry out His plan because of me? I never thought of it that way before but it was a really prideful way of thinking. I was worried that I would not hear God right or just not listen to Him and then cause the whole plan to fall appart. I laughed out loud when I realized the stupidity in my thinking, but I think lots of us find ourselves in that same state of mind. For me at least, it is easier to think of God overcoming nature, time, even the forces of evil, but when I am the obstical it just seems like too much! Like I am just to dumb to follow God, to stubborn to listen to His direction.
But God is bigger than me. That is such a simple truth that I just can't seem to grasp fully. God can not be stopped by anything, especially me! I found so much peace in this. A huge burden was lifted off my shoulders when I realized I am not holding this plan God has together, He is. It doesn't matter how dumb I am being, how stubborn I am, how blind I am, God will be in control and He will get me right where He wants me in spite of me. I realize now that He knows my heart, He can see that I want nothing but to be in Him and doing what He has planned for me.

So I am going to stop worrying about taking one wrong step and causing the whole plan to fall apart. I am going to start trusting that God's will will be done in spite of me. I am going to keep seeking God in all I do and let Him overcome my faults and mold me into whatever He likes.

Hope you understand what I am trying to say and that it benefits you in some way. I praise God for all He has done and is doing. He has given me more than I ever deserve. No matter what life throws at me I know that God is good and that is enough.


Location:Berlin, Germany

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